Okay, the winners have been chosen for the giveaway of two copies (one copy for each winner) of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory! I’m so excited about this I could seriously burst.

Winners were chosen by that timeless standby: Put Everything In A Hat And Draw Out A Name(s).
We had a total of 32 entries, making this WFF’s biggest contest yet. I’m excited by that and would like to thank you all for entering and for spreading the word. I’m delighted (and kind of stunned) that several of you were dedicated enough to post the contest link every day on Twitter. Wow! And I hope you guys and gals all stick around to read more reviews and to participate in more contests in the future.
Oh. Yes. Right. Speech over.
And now for our winners!
Ye Olde Trustee Ball Cap wisely chose as our first winner…
And our second lucky winner is…
Hooray to our winners! Please make sure I receive your mailing addresses in the next 48 hours so that I can forward them along to the appropriate parties for mailing of your prizes. I reserve the right to pull a replacement name if I haven’t heard from you by the deadline.
For those of you that didn’t win, you can still do any of the following:
Follow updates about The White Queen on: or
Pre-order the book on Amazon here.
Or read the excerpt here.
Or here’s a lovely book trailer for your viewing pleasure:
I hope you’ll all join us again soon at Waiting For Fairies!
Edit: (Because this info helps!) Note that winners may either send me their mailing addresses via a DM at Twitter (to @kiaras) or via email at kiara [squiggle] waitingforfairies [dottythedog] com. You may also use my Contact page if that works better for you. Please put “White Queen Giveaway” in the subject line of any emails so they don’t hit my spam filter. Thanks!
Oh woohoo!! That's a nice surprise to wake up to!! Off to email you my details now 😀 Thanks for a fabulous contest!!
Oh woohoo!! That's a nice surprise to wake up to!! Off to email you my details now 😀 Thanks for a fabulous contest!!