So there seems to be some trouble brewing for Amazon’s Kindle 2. One of the features on the newest version of Amazon’s e-book reader is a text-to-audio function. Now, I’m assuming that the K2 uses a robot voice to read the text, but maybe someone in the know could enlighten us? In any case, the…
Author: Kiara
Luring the Muse
My Muse is a fickle creature. She dresses in moonlight and shadows and lives quietly in a forest glade, far from the reach of mortal thought. Most of the time I have to quietly lure her out of hiding with the promise of chocolate or a new toy to play with. There have been periods…
Looking Ahead – New Releases in 2009
Below is my personal shopping list (so far) for 2009! January 5th – Karen Miller – Hammer of God (Godspeaker, Book 3) January 27th – Gail Z Martin – Dark Haven (Necromancer, Book 3) January 27th – Lois McMaster Bujold – Horizon (The Sharing Knife, Book 4) February 26th – Kim Harrison – White Witch,…
Banned and Challenged Books by Title
Courtesy of The Forbidden Library.I’ve marked off the ones I’ve read. It’s more than I thought. I challenge all my readers to read at least one book from this list in 2009. Post in the comments which one you choose! 1984 , George Orwell The Adventures of Tom Sawyer , Mark Twain Alice’s Adventures in…
Sony’s Reader or Amazon’s Kindle?
CNN’s Business Traveler posted reviews this morning of both Sony’s Reader and Amazon’s Kindle. For those of you that don’t know both the Reader and the Kindle are electronic books: little gadgets about the size of a paperback that will hold lots of books in their large electronic memories. In other words – pure heaven…