Due to some scheduling difficulties on my part, my dear friend Reyna – also known as @nana5675 on Twitter – kindly agreed to review for our reading pleasure Witch’s Pawn by Toni LoTempio.
Book related posts (from a reader’s point of view – see ‘Writer’s Life’ for writing posts).
Win a Copy of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
We here at Waiting for Fairies are very pleased to take a small break from our usual fantasy and urban fantasy faire to give some much-deserved publicity to an upcoming work from Philippa Gregory called The White Queen. (And to host a contest!) I’m sure you’ve all heard of Ms. Gregory’s previous novel – the…
Giveaway Winners!
I’m so sorry that I”m a couple of days late on pulling the winners for this! I’ve been kind of distracted this week with day-job work-type things.
In Which There Shall Be Contestery! [Contest]
Due to the kindness of wonderful Ilona Andrews and Ace/Roc, I have gotten my hands on some 2009 science fiction and fantasy samplers.The samplers contain chapters from the newest works belonging to: Faith Hunter (Skinwalker), Mark Del Franco (Skin Deep), Patricia Briggs (Hunting Ground), Rob Thurman (Trick of the Light), Ilona Andrews (On the Edge), Steven R Boyett (Elegy Beach), and Julie Kenner (Tainted).
July Review Round-Up
So many books… So little time! I still have 59 on my TBR shelf – with 3 more on the way! Here’s a brief round-up of the books I’ve read recently. The following books aren’t listed in the order I read them – frankly because I can’t remember the order in which I did!