We’re overdue for our first Kiaras Festivus post, folks, so let’s get started! To refresh your memory, this February we’re focusing on three brilliant but under-appreciated authors who have new releases in February and March. This week we’re shining the spotlight on Diana Rowland.
Important posts that you should read.
The WFF Holiday Gift-Buying Guide
What do you mean, you weren’t planning on giving books as gifts this year? Haven’t you heard that the economy is crappy? Put down that overpriced sweater and hie thee to your local bookstore ASAFP, people! A book is the perfect gift: they’re cheap, they’re portable. They’re easy to wrap.
Review: Frank Beddor’s Arch Enemy
I discovered the first volume of this engaging trilogy a year or so ago. Aptly titled The Looking Glass Wars, it caught my attention both because of the unique steampunk-y robots on the cover, and because I’ve always loved the story of Alice In Wonderland. Who wouldn’t want to fall down the rabbit hole – if only for a little while?
Updates on The White Queen – including a trip!
To celebrate the success of its release, LivingSocial and Simon & Schuster are giving away a trip to London and other great prizes.
THE WHITE QUEEN Giveaway Winners!
Okay, the winners have been chosen for the giveaway of two copies (one copy for each winner) of The White Queen by Philippa Gregory! I’m so excited about this I could seriously burst.